Laser Hair Removal

Permanently remove unwanted facial and body hair with our laser hair removal services and never shave again!

At the beach, everything shows

Laser hair removal is a convenient non-invasive method for permanently reducing or removing unwanted facial and body hair. It leaves the skin looking smoother and silkier than waxing, electrolysis, and razors and is a gentle technic that can treat large areas effectively with minimal discomfort and with no downtime. Today, laser hair removal is one of the most common aesthetic procedures performed in the United States.

How Laser Hair Removal Works

The laser emits a specific beam of light at a wavelength that targets the melanin in the hair at the hair growth center which is the hair bulb papilla region. The papilla is a large structure at the base of the hair follicle that nourishes the hair follicles by supplying nutrients and oxygen to the bottom layer of the epidermis cell. The bulge of a hair follicle is essential in the regeneration of hair as it supplies the hair follicle with new cells. For hair to stop growing back, these areas need to be seriously damaged.

Book an Appointment

Please note that you are only requesting an appointment. We will notify you to confirm and schedule your appointment. Please allow at least 24hrs for us to contact you.